Getting a little snobby with trends in the line of creative design is quite rampant and easy. But, you have to remember that both web technology and web design is constantly evolving. Innovative advances are marking this aspect of digital marketing on a regular basis.


For instance, 2017 was a huge year for advancements. That was the year when mobile usage finally overtook desktop browsing, and crowned itself the new ‘King’ (or Queen, if you prefer), which clearly meant that 2018 is going to make use of mobile functionality in its entirety and 2019 to push the limits. And that is true. You are standing well into 2019 and mobile has evolved in ways that are simply amazing. Not to mention, AI taking over the online sphere. Simply put, the advancements are mindboggling and if you want to stay ahead of your competition, the first thing that you need is a WEBSITE. SEO, SMO and all of that follows later. If your website design is not impressive and responsive, no amount of SEO or paid ads will convince the Internet users otherwise!


If you didn’t know already, a creative-looking website with creatively designed web pages is a conversation starter. It helps to kick-start a conversation between your brand and your target audience. It spurs interest and makes the audience want to know your brand better and avail your products or services. Designing a website is about following some good trending design that is all-platform compatible. This is most of the good Website Design & Development Company in Kolkata follows. In many ways than one, a website is like a storefront that invites potential consumers to come in and explore.


Are you ready to be inspired with this year’s web design trends? Here, take a look…


1. Broken Grid Layouts


Broken Grid Layouts


Web designers are engaged in a constant quest for finding more engaging and creative layouts for designing web pages. At such a juncture, the grid layout, which has been used for years as it helped bring logic and harmony to the layouts, became a bit of a constraint for designers. The next logical evolution came in the form of broken grid layouts. The concept of the broken grid does not ditch the grid layout altogether. It allows text elements and images to drift across and into the gutters that generally serve as hard stops. The boxes of text and images begin to converge and overlap, creating a beautiful juxtaposition of letterform and bitmap.


2. Flamboyant Colors


Flamboyant Colors


There is no better time to show off your quirky, vibrant personality through your website than now! 2019 is a great year when it comes to using vibrant colors became web design inspiration. In the past, designers have stuck to web-safe colors, but now, they have become courageous. They approach color bravely and are not afraid to use vibrant and supersaturating shades combined with headers that are not just horizontal anymore, but are re-imagined with hard angles and slashes. Dashing, dynamic colors are great for new businesses looking to attract the attention of the audience! So, go ahead and showcase your love for colors.


3. Mobile First Design


Mobile First Design


This is not a suggestion or an option. A mobile first design is mandatory. Since mobile searches have officially surpassed desktop searches, not providing your audience with a mobile browsing experience will be a huge risk! Today, almost everyone owns a smartphone, including kids. Fortunately for you, mobile web design has also matured over the years and you do not have to break your head thinking of one design that will work excellently across both desktop and mobile devices. You can include roll-out burgers or hamburger menus in order to minimize the menu on your web page. You can include mobile responsive images that are of the highest quality and fix UX issues with micro-interactions.


4. Charismatic Illustrations (Customized)


Of course, you can purchase illustrations online and simply place it. But, that will not have the same effect as custom illustrations have on the audience. Illustrations are featuring in a big way in web design in 2019 because they add an element of fun to the overall design. They are also versatile media that helps in carrying out your business message to your audience. While creating a website, you need to use illustrations that are personalized and designed to specifically suit the tone of your brand. You can also come with a theme of illustrations that will tie each of the web pages on your website together. See, the market is getting crowded every single day and if you really want to be the breath of fresh air, you need to customize! Don’t be just another website on the web.


5. Typography – Go Big or Go Home!




Typography is a major design element and has always been a very powerful visual tool. You can use typography to give your brand a character or a personality. You can also use it to evoke emotions. And all of this, while conveying important business message! The role of typography is multifaceted and 2018 is about go big or go home! Device resolutions are getting sharper, which is pushing designers to use custom fonts. So, the takeaway is to just be big, bold and dynamic.


6. Integrated Animations


So, you already know that future of web development technologies are advancing and you also know the audience mindset is rapidly changing. Previously, designing a website was all about including insightful and meaningful text that the audience will read, enjoy and make a purchase. Then came high-quality, colorful pictures to attract the attention of the audience and then, the trend started with combining images and videos because the human brain responds to moving pictures faster. Even today, a lot of websites are using this tactic, but this is becoming old. You would want to make a statement and you can do so by integrating animations. Websites are moving from static images and animations are a wonderful way to engage the audience. You can even integrate animation with navigation, scrolling or make it the focus of the entire website.


7. Eye Catching Videos


Web development trends aim to create websites with more engagement, interactive segments that have integrated sound and motion to create sensational experiences for website visitors by creating instant visual interest. That is why website design in 2019 can already see the increasing use of videos for websites. Videos are more product-focused and attention-grabbing for the visitors and help them to understand the functionality of the product and how it will benefit them. When it comes to colours, 2019 videos are bolder and more visually appealing than ever. Inclusion of videos make your website that much more dynamic and engaging and deliver a brand story across.


8.Use of Authentic Image, Tones and Textures


Consumers prefer brands with authenticity and honesty. It helps to build their trust with the brands. Using incorporating photographs in your website rather than using random stock images define the personality of the site and create a more refined look and feel. As stated in a website design and development related study in 2019 “86% of consumers stated that authenticity is important while deciding what brands they trust and like”. Web design in 2019 focusing on using real life occurrences, natural textures, and colours tones that we find around us in our everyday life.


9. Microinteractions to Improve Web Engagement


Microinteractions are such an important part of website design look more professional in 2019 as it increases user engagement for your website. Microinteractions are generally trigger-feedback means micro interactions are used on the clickable component like buttons and navigation. Microinteractions let visitors view notifications or messages easily, not only also it allows users to share or like the content or let them provide feedback. It makes the visitor’s experience much more rewarding and thus increases engagement.


The list of things that you can include in your new website design is sort of exhaustive. The above-mentioned is simply a peek into the wonderful world of creativity and designer websites so that you get some idea to start your web design project.


Which web design development trends from the list have you used? What was the audience response? Feel free to add more to the list and give your suggestion in the comment section below.