We are comfortably into 2019 and I don’t think people in the real estate business can ignore the proliferation of using social media to sell real estate anymore. Time and again, social media has proved to be a powerhouse of engagement. It is instrumental in bringing connections at the world’s (as well as your customers’) fingertips.

Believe it or not, importance of social media in real estate is soaring and with good reason.  Do you ask how important is social media in real estate? Here are some easy & effective Real Estate marketing ideas.

More than 70% consumers (or you can say potential property buyers and sellers) are making use of real estate social media strategy throughout the entire buying or selling process.

70% is not really a small number, is it? If you are sitting in your posh office wondering where all the buyers or sellers went, they are probably trying to connect with you, via Facebook or Twitter, best social media platforms for real estate, but your absence is a cause of great disappointment.

To further encourage you to make use of the popular social media channels, a study conducted revealed that 85% of your competitors in the real estate industry are already using social media marketing and 78% have strongly agreed to use real estate social media marketing services as an integral part of their business. 

As you know, numbers do not lie. And the figures are only rising!

Now, how does real estate social media campaigns help the real estate business


Real Estate Brand Reputation– Helps in establishing a trustworthy online reputation that attracts buyers or sellers. In this era of digital marketing, when we are all making choices based on a brand’s social media presence and how much they are being talked out, I think being able to connect face-to-face albeit online will make people choose you over others.

Connect with Real Estate Industry Stalwarts Social media channels brings together like-minded people and by sharing real estate social media posts, content ideas, insights, experiences and knowledge, all of you can grow together.

Increase Website Traffic of your Real Estate Company site Sharing blogs and videos on your social media networks are some of the great real estate social media posts ideas. You will be providing valuable information to people hungry for your expertise through real estate social media marketing. Once convinced, they will visit your official website and might even call you up for further discussions. Ensure that you have a smart website design so that the users don’t feel it difficult to get what they are looking for.

Nurture Relationships Being on any of the popular social media networks will make your brand appear humane. Real estate without social media will not help you to connect with your audience and create more than just one-time business relations. What you will get is long-lasting relations that might turn into profitable associations. 

The most popular social media networks used by real estate social media experts are:

  • Facebook – 95%
  • LinkedIn – 65%
  • Twitter – 37%
  • YouTube – 33%
  • Google+ – 23%
  • Instagram – 18%
  • Pinterest – 12%

These are the most commonly used social media sites used by real estate social media marketing companies because they have the maximum fan following. If you really want to stand out among the crowd of real estate professionals, make use of social media. The best way to be unique is by using real estate posts for social media such as original and interesting blogs to draw attention followed by stunning images, videos and more. You may also look to make use of VR and AR technology to take your potential consumers to a whole new level.

There is no end to property buying and selling. You only have to tap into the consciousness of your potential target audience. Where will you find them all? There is only one place – social media networks. Social Media for Real Estate Agents is a must these days.

Hope by now you have a clear idea on how to effectively use Social Media for Real Estate and how to build your real estate social media strategy. 

What do you think about social media or real estate digital marketing? Are you using social media marketing to advertise your real estate business? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.