You might be wondering how on the earth is that possible? How can a blog topic improve domain authority? Well, this is 2019 and Google has become smarter than what it was, making it difficult for webmasters to rank a website. So, you should also start conceptualizing different ways to impress Google to increase domain score and improve page authority of your website.

Blogging certainly is one of the most useful ways to earn backlinks and increasing domain strength. You can guest post and get a backlink from a high authority site or you can post a blog on your own website and get referred by other bloggers. But these are time-consuming ways and don’t have much certainty.

So how to increase page authority quickly? 

However, you can get high authority backlinks with more assurance just by doing a bit research before you start writing your next blog. Thanks to Backlinko’s link building techniques from outdated resources that explores broken links on a particular landing page or the backlinks of websites that exist no longer, leaving an opportunity for you to get a lot of new high-authority links. All you have to do is to inform the site owner about the broken link and provide him/her with a link that contains a similar type of information and ask to replace the broken link with your live link.

Let’s check out how to increase domain authority and da pa of a website in 2019 here.

Find Useful Resources

There are a lot of web pages that get removed every year and finding the one that sells similar products or services as yours require a lot of research. To make it easy, you can search typing “helpful resources” + your service/product, “useful resources” + your service/product, “further reading” + your service/product and “additional resources” + your service/product.

Find Useful Resources

Check Broken Links

You will get sites containing information regarding the products or services you are selling. Now check whether there are some broken links present on the landing page. To do this, you can add an extension like Broken Link Checker to your browser. It will highlight the links that are broken.

Check Broken Links

Check Broken Links

The above images show that there’s a broken URL (  on the page and it contents tips on copywriting techniques. So, you have got a topic to write. Now, if you want to approach the site owner, check the authority, backlinks and traffic to the site and shoot an email with your blog’s link.

Find Expired Domain

Now if you want to dig deeper and have more opportunities for backlinking, look for a domain that has expired domain authority over time.

Find Expired Domain

Find Expired Domain

The domain ( ) in the above images exists no longer. Now, the backlinks of the domain can be checked using domain rating checker tools like Ahref or Moz domain analysis. It would let us find the sites that still link the URLs of SEO Black Hat. You need to find the sites that link to a blog post of the above site, develop a blog on a similar topic and approach the site owner to replace the link of SEO Black Hat with your site’s link.

Just make sure that the site you are about to approach has good domain authority score, good D.A, P.A and traffic because for generating backlinks from another site, its domain authority matter, and you will be done with improving the domain authority of your site and thereby improving your SEO ranking.