What crosses your mind when you hear the word ‘web’? In all probability, you would be thinking of a beautifully designed website providing you all the information that you need.

Ever since the first website was launched by Tim Berners-Lee on 6th August, 1991, web designers and developers have evolved. While the first website was an HTML page showcasing a single-column design, today’s websites are advanced with table-based designs, flash-based web designs, CSS-based designs and so on. The Internet today boasts of over 1 billion websites, which ranges from educational sites to shopping sites to social networking sites and more.

India credits its thriving field of web design and development to the success and growth of e-commerce. The concept of e-commerce was introduced to the Indians in 1999 when Rediff added online shopping to its portal. The design was elementary and there was nothing great about the user experience. However, the entry of Flipkart in 2007 changed the game completely and the e-commerce industry is predicted to reach $200 billion in 2026. Morgan Stanley explains why.

The rise of e-commerce websites, along with evolving technologies gave impetus to website design and development. Today, websites are not only for providing information, but they aim to be aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly and device-friendly.

The Role of Technology in Web Design & Development

Technology and website design are practically inseparable. The common web designs feature single-page web design, responsive design, material design and so on.

Thanks to the introduction of different kinds of devices and content, there is a need for different kinds of designs. Some users might use desktops while others might be using laptops, mobile phones, tablets and other such mobile devices.

Most of the web design trends seem to be in response to the technology that is available and it appears that the world is entering the contextual age as was predicted by computer scientists decades ago.

Contextual Age: What is it About?

Data, mobile, social media, location-based services and sensors are considered the five computing forces. At present, these forces are converging to give rise to a new computing force, which is known as context. This refers to smart devices and virtual assistants that are making life easier and convenient. These innovative technologies are impacting the world of website design and development.

In order to remain relevant, web designers need to upgrade their skills and aware of the latest technologies.

Some of the new technologies that a website designer ought to be aware of are:

1. The Grid, which is a brand new web building services that makes use of AI or Artificial Intelligence

2. Virtual Reality or VR. Even though VR is prevalent in the gaming sector, it is anticipated that other sectors             will be adopting this technology very soon. In fact, to improve browsing experience, a number of browsers have already added a feature, known as Web Virtual Reality.

3. IoT or Internet of Things, which connects different computing devices through the devices. There are many gadgets and devices that are already connected and need no human intervention to operate, such as an IoT senses when the cooling has to be changed in order to make the indoor temperature more comfortable.

4. 360-degree video is the new kid in the block. This allows users to enjoy an enhanced viewing experience. It helps to create an illusion and keeps visitors hooked.

5. Motion User Interface, which makes website interactive with the use of transitions and animations.

So, What is the Future of Web Design and Development?

The introduction of new technologies is definitely affecting the future of web design and designers will have to continually adapt themselves to the change. However, as long as people are making use of the Internet to access information and data, web property will be in demand.

The scope of web design and development is looking up as everything is getting digitized today. You may not get newspapers delivered to your home tomorrow, but you will have Internet dispensing news and everything else you need. So, whether you are working for a company or as a web design, you will always have a job.

However, to be a designer that every company or agency wants to work with, you not only have to know the basics of web design:

1.   Graphic designing

2.  UI & UX designing

3.  Brand designing

4.  Product designing

5.  Digital marketing

But, you also have to hone your skills and adapt to the changing times. There are also intangible skills that you need, such as understanding target audience, aesthetics, idea of what to do to make sure optimal viewing experience and so on. Hands-on experience on how to use tools like, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Animate, Illustrator, Sketch and so on, will give you a push among the rest. All of this together will make you a tech-savvy web designer.

To sum up, India is experiencing an IT boom where there are ample opportunities for web designers and developers. As more and more businesses are going digital or starting an online business, web designers will continue to have plenty of work.