Flutter is the single most revolutionary thing to have happened to native app development and before we ask ourselves why you should choose Flutter and count on mobile app development with Flutter, let us look at what Flutter actually is.


It is the most well-renowned app development toolkit that was developed by Google back in 2017. Flutter is used and can be used to develop apps for everything from Mac OS to Android, iOS, Google Fuschia as well as web applications.

Being an open-source framework and mobile UI framework toolkit, Flutter allows the development of beautiful apps with excellent UI in record time and because it is a complete SDK or software development kit Flutter has everything that a cross-platform app development tool should have. Flutter is a hybrid platform that allows various mobile app development projects wherein you can hire Flutter developers and be assured that they can work on nearly every platform.

While native Android app development and iOS app development are more refined yet having developers that can develop both on Android in iOS is something truly spectacular and although there are a few compromises head and there in quality it gets the job done quite nicely.

While there are several well-known guides for developing mobile app with Flutter, in this blog we will primarily look at the main advantages of Flutter and how it is revolutionising app development.

  • CROSS-PLATFORM – This is probably one of the best things that Flutter has going on for itself. With excellent support for Android app development Flutter can make developing apps on Android quite fast and the best thing about it is that it can even be used to develop iOS apps.
  • API & UI – Flutter has one of the best libraries and components that provide excellent support to navigation as well as UI rendering and testing as well as API access and state management. These facilities make Flutter easily one of the very best toolkits for app development in the world.
  • APP DEVELOPMENT – Flutter works on a single codebase platform and thereby making app development one of the easiest. Along with that, Flutter has an amazing code library and is used by thousands of developers and a vibrant community of developers. The app development process thereby on Flutter is one of the easiest and the support that Google gives Flutter by including various design tools and libraries furthers its ease of use.
  • CLOSE-TO-NATIVE – While other cross platforms usually work on representation or emulation, Flutter works within machine code and this makes Flutter one of the best-in-class platforms out there. While initially, Flutter had quite a few bugs but as the development of the platform progressed, these bugs were slowly but surely eliminated and now in 2022, we cannot quite find significant differences between a natively designed app and the app made by Flutter.
  • DEVOPS SUPPORT – Flutter has one of the best DevOps support as maintaining a cross-platform app on Flutter is quite nice. From CI/CD support along with an amazing CLI interface, Flutter has everything going for it. Did we mention it has documentation support too? Because it does.
  • RENDER ENGINE – Flutter has one of the best rendering engines out there and because of that, the UI of any application does not need modification even after it is used from one platform to another. There are several advantages to Flutter having its own render engine. Flutter also supports building widgets like Cupertino as well as Android’s very own material design wherein everything from motion animation as well as interactive models can be done.

This was a blog about how Flutter has become the primary choice for startups for app development. Flutter can pave the future for even more cross-platform app development wherein there may come a point where we would not have separate app stores or apps but a single one which can be supported on every operating system. If you are someone who really likes the concept of Flutter and wants to develop an app that is cross-platform and that can run on nearly every OS then we are here for you. We are ThinkToShare, the fastest growing website design and development company in Kolkata. We have excellent teams of Flutter developers as well as native app developers for every known OS platform. We will make sure that your app is well built and requires the least maintenance.