The world has over 4 billion Internet users. Needless to say, businesses today cannot even hope to survive without a powerful digital marketing strategy. And among all the other digital channels, search engines are considered the most essential, thus, search engine optimization holds such a prominent position in any digital marketing strategy.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a process of getting organic, free, natural or editorial search results on search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Since Internet users rely heavily on search engines for finding information, products or services and Google records approximately 1.2 trillion searches every year, websites that are not optimized for the search engines are losing out on customers, sales and revenue.

Now that SEO is clear to you, let’s dig in deeper.

The first step to entering the world of online business is creating a professional-looking website with smooth navigation and responsiveness across devices. Once you have a website, the next step is to make your website visible on the popular search engines, via SEO. You have to make ongoing efforts to ensure that your website acquires a top position on SERPs (search engine results pages).

The process of search engine optimization will make your website unique, attract visitors and boost sales. Your products or services will be easily available to your prospective customers at their fingertips. Compared to all other methods of advertising, SEO is the simplest and easiest way to obtain a large number of customers or clients through the Internet.

For getting great SEO results, you can either invest time and resources to update your website continually as per the evolving trends or outsource your SEO requirements to a company that understands all the nuances of the field. You will certainly find a few of them in India.

SEO Services in India – the Perfect Match!

SEO outsourcing has gained massive popularity in India thanks to the country’s access to latest technology and a well-educated, trained and dynamic workforce. Over 30% online marketing companies are outsourcing their tasks to reputed Indian digital marketing agencies. Outsourcing to this country makes the job easier and hassle-free. Here’s why.

1.  Cost-efficiency: Managing an in-house SEO team can be seriously expensive and overhead costs can be reduced by outsourcing SEO jobs.

2. Expert team: In India, a lot of emphasis is given on education, skills and training. When outsourcing to any Indian online marketing company, you can be rest assured of dealing with a group of individuals who are specialized in the field of SEO. Moreover, Indians are known for their dedication towards constantly honing their skills and improving.

3. Impeccable infrastructure: It’s not for nothing that Bangalore is called the Silicon Valley of India. Other cities in India are also following suit like, Kolkata, Mumbai and Delhi. The systems used are getting better and so is the technology. The SEO professionals here are flexible and easily adaptable to the changes in the search engine landscape.

4. Time zone advantage: Apart from the cost-effectiveness and a ready-made team of experts, India offers global businesses the benefit of the time zone. Businesses in the UK, the US or Australia can outsource their search engine optimization requirements and be able to function around-the-clock. There is nothing more appealing to customers and clients than a business offering them 24/7 services and support!

In India, the digital marketing industry is consistently growing and it is functioning at its peak. Since Indians are able to craft content in flawless English, this country has a competitive edge over all the other countries offering SEO solutions.  If you were considering outsourcing, let India be the destination.

What are your views on the SEO services offered in India? How are Indian agencies different than the rest? Kindly share your thoughts in the comments below.