85% consumers are searching for local businesses online. Is your business among them?

The global healthcare and wellness industry is worth $81.2 billion and is hailed to be the next trillion dollar industry. So, it comes as no surprise if you want to or already have opened up a sports & fitness center or a gym.

But, what are you doing to increase memberships? You are not the only one in the game and there must be several hundred fitness centers in your city. Fortunately, you are one of the few in your area. Target the local people since nobody from really far will come to your fitness center!

Before proceeding with how to sell more gym memberships and gym promotion ideas to reach out to local health enthusiasts, it is important that you create a website for your sports & fitness center. In today’s digital age, word-of-mouth and other forms of traditional advertising will only take you so far. Fitness marketing in 2019 need digital marketing strategies and smart advertising campaigns to grow.  

So, considering that you already have a well-designed website (if not, create a WordPres website easily with Theme Boy), let’s move onto how you can boost membership. One of the easiest and most economical ways to do so is by investing in digital marketing, especially local SEO. Proper local SEO strategies for fitness website is required to reach right viewers. Gym SEO Case Study most of the fitness marketing companies with strategical gym business ideas follow these methods in their gym marketing plan. 

What is local SEO?

Simply put, local search engine optimization refers to strategies that are employed to generate traffic from location-based searching. This puts you in a position to be seen by potential fitness buffs at the time when you are searching for.

How is local SEO vital to the success of your sports & fitness center?

Not just fitness center, but a good-looking website and a dominant online presence are crucial for all types of business. However, digital marketing as a whole can be quite frustrating, confusing and overwhelming. Since your immediate target is not the global audience for your gym, but your local fitness freaks, opting for local SEO for fitness centers is the recommended option. After all, why waste money on targeting locations from where people won’t come to your fitness center. Right? 

To understand how local SEO works in fitness business marketing, answer this simple question – what do you do when searching information? Don’t you simply grab your smartphone and start typing what you need to know? Once you enter your search, you will find that the most relevant information appears on the first page of the SERP. So, when a person looks up “gym”, “fitness center” or “sports & fitness center” in Google, Yahoo, Bing or any other search engine, the top 3 results will always be about the fitness centers that are in and around their area. This is because smartphones today are GPS-enabled.

The reasons why local SEO can help you attract new memberships are:


  • Local users are constantly using the Internet to gather relevant, local information.
  • Local SEO marketing is timely and highly-targeted.
  • Local SEO guide for gyms offers a lucrative return on investment.
  • Health enthusiasts heavily rely on search engines to find information regarding the local health & fitness center.

Prospects in your area might be looking for a gym right now, but your fitness center is nowhere to be found because you’re not showing on local searches.

Did you know that 50% of consumers who conduct local search actually end up visiting the gym on that very day? So, you might want to consider getting your sports & fitness center enlisted so that your name is on top of the local searches.

Where do you need to list your business?

There is no dearth of local directory sites, however, not all of them will serve your purpose. The most important and popular ones include:

What are the components of local listings?

Of course, every directory website is different. However, there are certain things that are common with each one of them. When creating, claiming and optimizing it you need to make sure that you have got the following components correct:

  • Brand or business name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Website (if any)
  • Business hours
  • Description
  • Enticing images & videos
  • Testimonials from members

So, stop waiting around and local search your way to success!

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