LinkedIn was born on 5th May 2003 as a career networking tool.


But, it quickly made a name for itself as one of the most effective, most-used social media platform for B2B marketers.


Today LinkedIn become a valuable tool for every Digital Marketing Company for doing SMM.


Impressive, right?


But, wait. There’s more why you should marketing on linkedin 2020…


The total number of LinkedIn users in 630 million. Or you can say 40 million users more than 2018!


303 million LinkedIn members are active on a monthly basis and every second, 2 new members are becoming a part of this burgeoning network.


What does this mean for business owners? That, if you are not promoting your business on LinkedIn with right Linkedin strategy for business, you are losing out on the opportunity to get business from LinkedIn by connecting with 303 million people, every month!


You already know that one of the best ways to grow a business is through referrals, networking, and mentorship. Then, it is not difficult to see why LinkedIn should definitely be a part of your marketing mix.


Now, let’s get talking about the best ways to use LinkedIn for business and how to develop a Linkedin marketing strategy.


First things first, create a LinkedIn account (if you are not already a member).


How can you set up an account? Follow the steps given here.


Once you have become a member, you can consider the following LinkedIn marketing strategy.


Become a part of Linkedin groups


Linkedin groups


You will find groups on LinkedIn for every professional, interest and not-so-professional. Find the ones that match your industry and interests. Join!


Take part!


Now that you are part of groups, you cannot be dormant or a spectator. You have to take an active part to build LinkedIn social media campaign.


Post regularly, but be careful not to spam!


You can share interesting stories or ideas and other types of LinkedIn posts. Ask questions. Everything doesn’t always have to be about your business. But, build your credibility in your particular niche. These are some simple things to do and you need not to be a LinkedIn expert to follow this


You can also start a Linkedin group


Finding useful groups related to your business is one of the best ways to market on LinkedIn



Do you have a great idea? Didn’t find a group that you liked? Start your own! This can be a great LinkedIn strategy for brands


The group can be about topics or ideas that is relevant to your sector. Of course, you have to be good at what you know!


Look for business events


Look for business events


On LinkedIn, you will easily find posts relating to events.


The events can be virtual ones or meet-and-greets in your local area.


Make use of these events to network with competitors and customers.


Create a page for your business


Company Page


You don’t have to limit yourself to just having a personal profile. You can create a company business page – for free!


Follow the steps given here to create a company page.


This is a great LinkedIn strategy for business. A company page can act as a hub for networking between your customers, employees, and competitors.


You can share company updates or write an article on your LinkedIn company page to engage with your audience. This should be a place where your followers can learn about the company, projects you are working on. You can use these LinkedIn business page tips to promote a LinkedIn page.


A business page can be your great assistance in developing a useful LinkedIn content marketing strategy in 2020.


Make use of LinkedIn marketing polls


LinkedIn marketing polls


A great way to pick the brains of your colleagues and target audience is with LinkedIn Polls.


You can create polls and distribute them among your network or any specific group or people that you want to hear from.


You can view and assess real-time results in order to get behind-the-scene of what people are actually talking about.


The poll can be about a product that you are planning to launch or an idea. Or a service that you think is lacking.


Status updates


Status updates


The status update field is a fantastic platform to offer special deals, make company announcements, share links and tips.


Seek recommendations


LinkedIn has an option of “Recommendations”. You can maximize the use of this option by asking your clients or customers to give testimonials.


These testimonials are going to be listed on your profile under your company information and they can be proof of your excellence.


This can be a fantastic way to attract potential customers/clients.


LinkedIn advertising




Make use of LinkedIn Direct Ads to start a targeted advertising campaign.


The ads can be targeted using LinkedIn business strategy and analytics on the basis of job function, geography, seniority, company size, industry, age, and gender.


This way, you can reach out to your niche audience.


Use amazing visuals


Being essentially a place where corporates virtually meet-and-greet, LinkedIn is a text-heavy environment.


But, it doesn’t have to be! You can be different.


Make sure that your profile has your company logo. You can also add your logo to your blogs and articles. The blog posts or articles can also be accompanied by high-quality images, relevant to the posts.




Content continues to be king.


You can write LinkedIn Pulse posts to promote your company, products or services.


Also, you can use LinkedIn to promote your blog posts by giving status updates about it, with the link.


Remember, it’s about finding connections


Yes, you are promoting your business on LinkedIn, but don’t make it seem so obvious that you are here for leads.


People do not like to be sold on LinkedIn. So, quit trying to sell.


Instead, make connections. Once you connect with them, engage with them, they will naturally become interested in your products or services.


Basically, be there when they realize that they need what you are offering. Don’t outright sell things to them!


So, if you were wondering how to use LinkedIn for business development, these are some of the best LinkedIn marketing guides to follow in 2020.


If you can extend your budget, you can get LinkedIn’s premium membership to unlock more opportunities.

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