Google has severe penalties for duplicate content. So, how do you steer clear of such a risk?

Every month, about 70 million blogs get published on WordPress. The question is, are all of them original? There’s a reason that 90.63% of blogs garner no traffic from Google. This should tell you why it’s important to avoid duplicate content.

The study found in 2015 that 29% of websites feature duplicate content in one way or another. Moz believes it’s the same today, and it might be even more severe. That’s why you will see many websites making no appearances in Google’s SERP.

They might generate traffic from emails, social media, or direct messaging, but Google doesn’t index them, nor does it acknowledge their presence. This means that those websites have been penalized by Google.

So, how do you avoid such a fate for your website? Moreover, is it even possible? Yes, it is, with the help of:

  • Original content
  • Thorough SEO strategies
  • Plagiarism-free approach

Therefore, to help you understand just how it all ties together, let us dive right into it and understand how you can avoid getting such penalties.

What Are Google’s Penalties For Duplicate Content?

When you look for Google’s penalties online, there are conflicting opinions from experts. Some say it doesn’t matter; others say it does. The truth is, duplicate content does draw your blog or website back. It’s not a myth, and you certainly shouldn’t take plagiarism lightly.

Why is that? Because a direct penalty from Google may not be a thing, copyright lawsuits definitely are. That’s the kind of legal trouble you don’t want to even brush past you.

That’s why it’s imperative to understand just what Google’s penalties look like for duplicate content. Here are four of them:

Doesn’t Index Your Web Pages

Indexing of your Google page depends on how well you use original content. If there are any duplicities in your content, then it won’t index your page or sometimes even your website. That’s one of the top priorities of businesses and brands when avoiding plagiarism.

Doesn’t Rank Your Website/Domain

Another negative factor about duplicate content is that Google won’t add it to their higher SERP ranks. The content that Google features in top SERP ranks are only relevant to the user’s query, and it prioritizes original content.

That’s why any duplicate content seldom has any chance of getting ranked.

Complete Removal From Google’s SERP

Google clearly dictates any website and blog owners to ensure that their content isn’t similar to the content on other, more established domains.

Then, Google will simply deem it a case of plagiarism and might even remove it from their index. That’s one of the worst penalties a blog can face.

It Will Filter Out Your Content

Suppose your content is relevant to the search queries but doesn’t ensure 100% originality. In that case, Google might filter it out based on its similarity.

That’s one of the reasons original headline and metadata is important, as it can push Google to index your content among other similar results.

What Is Duplicate Content?

Duplicate or plagiarized content in SEO is the text that appears in more than one place at the same time. If the two writers are different, then it’s a case of direct plagiarism on one’s end.

Duplicate Content


If the writer is the same, then it’s a case of self or auto-plagiarism. Duplicate content has many shapes and forms, but direct plagiarism and patchwork are some of the most common, which google penalizes.

3 Types Of Duplicate Content

Duplicate content doesn’t always necessarily mean an unethical approach to writing, such as plagiarism. It could be two different content pieces but with the same premise or ideas. To help you understand this better, here are three types of duplicate content found on websites:

Internal Duplicity

Internal duplicity is when two or more content pieces are akin to one another. Here’s an example:

“Making A Content Strategy In 2022: A 10-Step Guide.”


“10-Step Procedure To Make A Content Strategy In 2022.”

This idea can make google think they are duplicated. This internal duplicity might also get in the way of Google indexing a website or blog.

External Duplicity

External duplicity is the flip side of the same coin as internal duplicity. Except, this instance happens when two same content pieces exist outside of a domain. So, the aforementioned two headline examples, but in two separate disciplines.


Plagiarism is content taken from another domain or writer and posted in one. This type of duplicity is the most unethical and morally humiliating. That’s why there’s no space for plagiarism in any writing setting.

What Causes Duplicate Content?

The causes of a duplicate can be accidental, intentional, or simply by using blackhat SEO techniques. Therefore, here are four causes of duplicate content a writer must vary of:

Downright Plagiarism

Downright or direct plagiarism is when a writer copies another content. This becomes two identical content pieces in different domains by different writers. Since the writer doesn’t give the original writer any nod or credit, it becomes a severe case of unethical duplicity.

Similar Topics & Headlines

Internal duplicity happens when topics or headlines are similar, as mentioned before. That’s why, even if the topic premise is the same, try to write exclusive headlines.

Using The Same Research

If two writers use the same research, accidental plagiarism becomes very high. Therefore, it’s imperative to always cite the sources appropriately.

Not Quoting Properly

As mentioned above, not citing properly is one of the primary causes of plagiarism. So, if a writer doesn’t quote well, it becomes a direct plagiarism case.

7 Ways To Avoid Getting Penalized By Google

Now that important information is out of the way, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: how do you avoid such penalties and duplicate content? Here are seven ways you can do that:

Write Unique Headlines

Unique headlines are your way towards SERP glory. You need to understand the importance of good headlines and how they drive original content creation. One of the overlooked factors of content writing is the intent.

A good headline doesn’t only show intent; it also drives originality. Therefore, instead of relying on age-old methods, try to write unique headlines. Be creative, use your skills and rely on research to formulate good titles.

Lead With Research

Research is one of the easiest ways you can avoid duplicity. How is that? When you research a topic firmly, you can understand its intricacies and the necessary information. If you grasp such things, then you can:

  • Write good content that Google prioritizes
  • Formulate headlines with proper keywords/queries
  • Lure search engines with informative value

Therefore, the importance of proper research in SEO content writing is not only undeniable; it’s a bare necessity.

Use A Plagiarism Checker

Using a plagiarism checker is your best bet at Identify any duplicity in your content. Before it’s too late and Google penalizes your content after you submit it, it’s imperative that you check for plagiarism before you post it using a free plagiarism checker.

But why do you need a plagiarism checker for it?

  • Because they have access to vast databases & websites
  • They check for plagiarism within seconds
  • Most of such tools are free to use

Therefore, using a tool like this can help you improve not only your chances of original content they can virtually guarantee it. Here’s how:

Plagiarism Checker

Here, the plagiarism checker shows us the percentage of original content and the original domain where it exists. This vital information can help us study and improve our content accordingly.

Plagiarism Checker

Write The Content With Original Intent – Make It Yours

As mentioned before, original intent matters just as much when writing good content. It must show in your headline. So, how can you go about intending such a thing?

  • Ensure that you focus on research
  • Take notes while you research
  • Draw the outline of your article before writing
  • Study your sources thoroughly—analyze how you can deliver ideas differently
  • Try to be more eloquent than your research content – go one-up

These factors can help you formulate content that stands out as original and avoid duplicity.

5.Spin The Initial Article To Turn It Original

Content spinning is something that may not be politically correct, but it’s a perfectly acceptable and ethical practice. If you can explain something better, then Google won’t penalize your content. Here’s an example of how:

Here we see a bit of duplicate content being spun around by an article rewriter. That’s why, if you rewrite your article properly, you can avoid plagiarism efficiently.

Use Proper Citations – Citation Generator

If you use content from another domain as a centerpiece for your research, then don’t forget to cite them as your primary source. That’s when a lot of writers err and end up featuring unwanted duplicity in their content.

Here’s how a citation generator can help you:

As you can see here, the blog we used and the original author’s name allows us to use a proper way of citation. Since MLA, APA & Chicago are three primary types of citations, it helps us avoid plagiarism quite efficiently.So, you should so for a APA citation generator to cite the duplicate content properly and avoid form getting any copyright issue.

Write Unique Metadata

Metadata helps search engine crawlers understand the context of your writing, as well as a glimpse into the content. That’s why you need to write unique metadata, just as much as you need original content.


These important factors of duplicate content and the strategy to avoid it can help prevent Google penalties. Therefore, follow these basics, understand what causes them and do your best to steer clear of duplicate content