Today we are going to talk about a radically different way of thinking when it comes to website design as today, we are going to talk about growth-driven design or GDD.


The growth-driven design process is radically different from the traditional way of how we are used to creating websites. This blog is also going to serve as a growth-driven design guide.


But before we get into more details about growth-driven design, we must understand what is growth-driven design in the first place.


So, what is growth-driven design?


Here Is the Introduction to Growth-Driven Design



A growth-driven design is a design thought as well as methodology that believes in incremental web design rather than creating a website that is fully featured and packed with all the latest and greatest features.


It is the thought and philosophy that you do not need all the features and you do not need a very powerful website. You just need a website that is ready to handle the current workload and the current traffic and just be enough for launch.


This is why a website designed in this methodology is much cheaper because you are not getting a website that is created traditionally but you are getting a website that will be developed according to growth.


Data plays an important role in this kind of website design as this is a data-driven web development practice where data is analysed and the website is developed accordingly.


This means that you are not going to get anything unnecessary that might even slow down the website or cost more than it is needed at the present time.


Everything from the user experience optimisation to the website optimisation strategy is based on continuous development that is further based on data.


Take A Look at Some of The Benefits of Growth-Driven Design


Benefits of Growth-Driven Design


Faster Launch Times


In order to understand this, let us look at this example of going on a trip. Perhaps you are going on a long vacation to the mountains and then to the sea.


If you pack everything all at once then you are going to have very heavy luggage which will consist of beachwear as well as thick jackets. You don’t need both of them for both locations but you decide to carry them with you.


But if you manage to not take two sets of clothing and just rent the jackets before going to the mountains then you are going to have every manageable luggage.

That is the same case with a growth-driven design since this kind of website design methodology simply aims at launching the website. That means you are going to have a very fast-loading website.


It will be a lean web design where we only believe in having only the most essential elements that are necessary for running the website.


Regular Development and Upgradation


In order to understand the introduction to growth-driven design, you to understand how website improvement and upgradation takes place.


Upgradation and improvement are an afterthought when it comes to traditionally designed websites. This is because it traditional website is designed with everything latest in mind.


This means that a traditional website is designed with the thought that it will not need any improvement for a long time but that is not true. Websites need continuous improvement.


But with a growth-driven design, you get a dynamic website where improvement is not an afterthought but it is a necessary regular requirement. In this kind of website, optimisation is made on real data and not assumptions of the future.


This means this kind of website will be excellent and very future-proof because it will always have the latest and greatest in terms of features. This kind of design methodology is also excellent for eCommerce websites.


This is because eCommerce websites do not need very complex functions when they are just being launched. Those complex functions and other important functions can be added on later based on growth and need.


The Finest Overall Practicality


When we say that a growth-driven design is much more efficient than a traditional design we mean that everything about the GDD website is based on performance-driven web development.


This means that it is highly efficient from every angle which also includes the angle of it being more economically practical.


It makes more sense to simply not invest all your budget on the website and rather invest gradually as per the need.  


That is why this kind of website is a low-risk website which means small businesses and companies can start with a small initial investment and invest according to growth.


This will make much more sense to a small business or company because they do not have to risk a large portion of their capital on a website just for its launch without even seeing its performance.


Data-Driven Logical Approach


The best thing about a GDD website is that it is a conversion-centred design. This means that this kind of website is updated or improved based on user data.


This kind of website will be much more suited to the end user because the entire development methodology of this website is based on how the user is liking the website.


A traditional website does not focus on the user’s point of view like a GDD website. A traditional website is designed on preconceived notions and data has been collected from elsewhere. This means a traditional website will never have custom data from that same website like a GDD website.


But a GDD website will have all its changes made based on data that has been collected from that same website which means this data is not only going to be accurate but it is also going to be the latest data.


This is among the finest of growth-driven design benefits.






Plan The Initial Strategy


It is very important to have a good initial plan and strategy if you want to have a growth-driven design (GDD) website.


Think of it like a luggage bag where you only have the space for a limited number of items. If you had the chance to have unlimited items then you would not have to plan a lot before going on a trip but since you have limited space you need to plan very well.


That is the same case with a growth-driven design (GDD) website. Initial planning and strategy consist of understanding the business goals so that you might have the rudimentary features of the website.


That strategy should also contain an understanding of the target audience as well as the key performance indicators(KPIs).


And most importantly, you must have a launchpad strategy that is going to focus on only the most essential features and these features should be in line with the core needs of the client.


Launching The Launchpad Website


Having a growth-driven design (GDD) launchpad website is not about waiting for the perfect website with all the features but it is just about launching the website that is functional.


This is because the developers are going to prioritise data collection and the faster you can launch the website in a working condition the faster you are able to collect data and make changes to that website.


It is also about making sure that this rudimentary website starts gaining an online market presence and that is very important if this website is an eCommerce website.


Then you can keep on adding features and making changes to the website based on the data collection and you are also going to keep on growing your online brand at the same time.


Collecting Data Is a Core Objective


Collecting data is not just an afterthought in this kind of web design methodology because data collection will enable the developers to add important features to the website.


That is why web designers utilise different analytics tools so that they can understand user behaviour. They track things like page views as well as time on site so that they can make changes wherever needed.


Additionally, a growth-driven design (GDD) website also focuses on user feedback which means the designers utilise creative ways to put surveys throughout the page.  


The more creatively user feedback is collected, the more effective data collection you will have without annoying the users.


Backlog Creation and Sprint Approach


The designer has to create a backlog when it comes to a growth-driven design (GDD) website because this kind of website needs to have a list of improvements.


If there is a proper backlog then the designers can implement them whenever they feel and whenever it is very necessary.


This kind of website design is based on a sprint approach which means that there is always testing and experimentation going on.


This kind of website does not focus on any permanent changes but the designers test out features to see if they are working.

If the features are being well received by the users then they are kept but if they’re not then they are changed.


The entire design philosophy is very dynamic which means only the basic and the most effective features are kept on the website and anything unnecessary and redundant is not kept.


So, What Is the Difference Between a GDD And Traditional Website Design


There are so many differences between these two types of design methodology but the primary difference is the basic approach.


GDD is gradual and agile as well as flexible but most importantly it is data-driven.


But a traditional website follows a linear process which means that everything is pre-planned based on previous experience. A traditional website is about creating a website feature rich and not waiting for data to make gradual changes.


This also means that a traditional website will cost the client a lot more because it is the final product that has to be delivered to the client but a GDD website will not have a large initial cost.


The time it takes to launch a traditional website will be a lot longer because you are going to launch the final version of the website that you wish for. But when it comes to a GDD website, you can launch it very quickly and keep adding on features as time progresses.


A traditional website is not very flexible because everything is pre-planned and follows a linear structure which means you cannot make huge changes to the design after launch.


But a GDD website is very flexible which means you can totally alter the website whenever you want it based on supporting data. And we believe this is a better approach than having a design that is not changeable.


This makes a GDD website excellent for E-Commerce because the primary goal of the client would be to start the website and then invest in the website as time progresses.  


But if they go with a traditional linear model then they will have to spend a lot of capital and hope for the best instead of making data-driven changes.


This was the blog about growth-driven design for website design. We personally believe that a growth-driven design is much more practical and makes a lot more sense than a traditional design methodology.


In fact, we are seeing a steady rise in growth-driven design website requests from clients rather than traditional website designs. And if you are someone who is also looking for a GDD website then we are hate to help you.


We are Think To Share IT Solutions PVT. LTD. and we are one of the pioneers of the GDD approach to website designing which is much more practical and logical. Although we still do traditional linear website designing as well.


We have the finest team of web designers and developers and we also do social media management as well as digital marketing and so much more. We also do app designing as well as search engine optimisation(SEO) and much more.


Apart from web designing and development, we do everything IT related and we welcome you to visit our website and check out everything we have to offer you.