Facebook is the largest social network in the world with more than 2.20 billion active users. On an average, it is reported that 1.45 billion people log onto Facebook daily.


Facebook’s large database of users makes it the number one choice for marketers seeking to promote goods or services over the Internet. You can almost be certain that your target audience is using Facebook. Fortunately, this social networking site has evolved into an advertising platform and provides social media marketers and Facebook marketing company with a lot of perks. Keep reading to explore how you can make use of this platform using Facebook marketing strategy to grow your brand or business.


Facebook Marketing

Source: Health Connexions

Who will you find on Facebook?


The social network may have started primarily for college students, but today, Facebook is used by everyone. Since the minimum age for joining this platform is 13, you can bet to find people from various age groups.


Even though Facebook has not revealed any official data regarding the popular age group, several unofficial surveys have found that the 18 to 29 age group is the most popular while 65 and above are the least popular.


However, if you are in doubt about is Facebook marketplace effective or not, you can be rest assured to find your targeted market on Facebook.


Facebook Marketing Tools


Pages, groups and ads are the 3 marketing tools of Facebook and they can be used by anyone. While each of these tools has their specific purpose, you can combine them to attain greater reach.


  1.  Pages: Similar to profiles, but Facebook pages are specifically built for organizations, businesses and public figures. When users ‘Like’ a page, they automatically receive updates on their news feed from that particular page. Pages can be liked by everyone and can be promoted by using simple Facebook page promotion ideas and they do not have any restriction on the number of fans or followers. They are extremely easy to setup and complete free of cost. However, you have to invest considerable amount of time and need to use effective Facebook page promotion tricks to build a large fan base
  2. Groups: Have you heard about discussion forums? Facebook groups are quite similar to that, except for the fact that they come with additional features like what profiles and pages have, such as a wall. You can reach out to your prospective customers by creating a group relating to your product offerings or industry. These groups offer high levels of engagement, but again, it is time-consuming. But having a group can be great Facebook marketing strategy for business.
  3. Ads: You may not be sure how to promote a product on Facebook if your page reach is not that high. Simple, using facebook paid marketing plan. An outstanding targeted advertising platform, Facebook allows social media marketers to create ads targeting a specific age group, geographic area, level of education and even device type. It comes with powerful targeting parameters, but can be expensive according to exact business objectives. But there is low budget Facebook ads for small business owner and can be used successfully to promote their business.



Tips for Marketing Using Facebook Pages


For first-time marketers on Facebook, pages are the easiest and simplest way to get started. They are free and very easy to setup. However, there are businesses who fail to utilize Facebook pages to its maximum potential. Hopefully, the below written facebook promotion ideas for businesses will help you to avoid such mistakes.


  1. 1.  Profile photo and cover image: Your profile photo must be your company logo while the cover image can be about your employees, products or some fancy artwork to attract the attention of the audience.
  2. The ‘About’ section: Right below your company logo, you will find the ‘about’ section. Make use of this sector to tell your audience what your company does and how they can benefit. Since it is Facebook, ensure to keep the tone casual, friendly and appealing. Also, keep it crisp and short.
  3. Post valuable and useful information: Your Facebook page needs to showcase a lot of activity if you want to retain the attention of your audience. You can post information-rich content promoting your product, video content showing how your product is made or a funny video featuring your employees, images and so on. Everything that you post on your wall will be visible to everyone who ‘likes’ your page. So, make sure that your posts make sense; they’re funny and offer value to the audience. To keep your page followers entertained, you can occasionally even start surveys or ask questions.
  4. Target the right audience: While running an ad campaign on Facebook for your promoting your brand or business through your Facebook page, you need to keep in mind that your campaign should reach to the audience that this ad created for. Facebook allows you to send your ads to the targeted audience using different demographic variables like the user’s age, gender, location, interests. A highly targeted ad campaign will provide you success in long term.


Make Use of Facebook’s Targeting Options


Social media marketers are recommended that they make complete use of the targeting options offered by Facebook. With the help of this, you will be able to target specific users’ profile. This social media platform allows you to target users as per their city, state or country. You can even choose your demographics, as well as, relationship status, education, workplace and so on.


By targeting your posts and Facebook ads, you can ensure complete utilization of your social media marketing efforts. None of your efforts will go to waste if you simply make use of Facebook’s targeting tools.


Facebook is one of the most flexible platforms where you can promote your brand, products or services online. However, the aforementioned only deals with how you can get started on this platform. Once you start advertising on this platform, you need to constantly adapt to the updates and changes that this social media platform is bringing out to enhance advertising experience.


Are you using Facebook to market your brand or product? Please share your experience and the hurdles that you had to overcome to achieve success.