In the online world, your website is everything.


You must already be aware of that.


If your website is down, both your brand and bottom line will be majorly affected, and not in a good way!


This is why you need to be very careful when choosing a hosting plan for your website.


Since there is a buffet of web hosting plans, it is normal to feel a little intimidated and overwhelmed.


However, apart from all the different hosting options, what most businesses are stuck deciding is cloud hosting Vs. shared hosting.


Even though shared hosting has been a part of the web hosting history for the longest time and cloud hosting only made its appearance in 1996, the decision isn’t that simple.




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So, let’s dissect the two and find out which one is more suitable for your business.


Shared hosting  

  Shared hosting              


Shared hosting refers to the hosting plan that has more than one website hosted together and sharing resources on 1 server.


Basically, your website will be sharing storage, disk space, databases, bandwidth and so on, with multiple other websites.


Usually, web hosting providers have a dedicated web server to provide this service.


As the server is shared by so many others, it is definitely cheap, but not the best option if your website gets a lot of traffic.


Cloud hosting


Cloud hosting


Cloud hosting is when your website is hosted on a number of servers instead of just one server.


So, whenever there is an issue, your website can be immediately migrated to another server.


Thanks to advanced cloud computing technology, numerous machines are able to work as one entity.


Cloud hosting is loved by businesses for its flexibility and speed.


Features of shared Vs. cloud hosting






Even though your hosting won’t divulge this, but shared hosting has its share of limitations.


And that is quite obvious, isn’t it?


One server hosting so many different websites is bound to have its limitations.


So, if your hosting provider promises unlimited resources, do not fall for that.


The resources are limited because you are sharing it. And if you overuse the resources, your website might be suspended.


Such problems do not occur with cloud web hosting.


With Bluehost cloud hosting, you will basically have unlimited everything – bandwidth to storage and databases.




You will hear shared hosting providers promising 99.99% uptime.


Again, do not fall for that!


It again comes back to the same thing – the shared nature of this particular type of service.


If any one of the many websites experiences high traffic, it will lead to causing downtime with the other websites on the server.

Even in this regard, cloud hosting has an upper hand.


The best cloud hosting providers offers impeccable uptimes and they’re true to their guarantee thanks to dedicated servers.

Yes, here too, there is an aspect of sharing resources.


But, the advantage of cloud hosting is that if there is a problem with one server, you will be immediately moved to another functioning server.


So, your website can continue to function normally.




It is simple math.


More servers = more horsepower.


This is where cloud hosting wins over shared hosting.


Cloud server hosting outperform shared hosting plans as they not only provide ample resources, but also allows website owners to configure their hosting environment as per their specific requirements.


As it allows customization, it gives website owners the freedom to maximize all possible performance and efficiency metrics.


On the other hand, shared hosting can be slow and the speed of your website will be affected by the performance of the other websites on the same server.


And as you must know, nobody likes a slow loading website!


So, if you really compare the two, cloud hosting gets an edge over shared hosting on all aspects, except the cost.


The ultimate decision is yours – are you willing to spend a little more for a faster website and more traffic?


After all, a fast loading website will fetch you more traffic, which will eventually boost your bottom line.


If you are unsure, you can discuss your fears and doubts with a digital marketing company in Kolkata and get expert advice.