Creating An Author-friendly Website for A Legacy Publishing Company with A Focus on Various Publishing Assistive Services


  • Planning & Consulting
  • Information Architecture
  • Themed UI/UX Design
  • Custom Web Development
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Continuous upgradation
  • 24x7 Maintenance and Support


Orange Publishers is a reputed legacy publishing company with nearly three decades of combined experience in the custom publishing and printing industry. They help authors in publishing their books and they also help them in book marketing as well as promotion and distribution. They publish in all formats and genres and enjoy a large loyal reader base. However, the highlight of this company is that they provide some of the most helpful author-friendly services.


Orange Publishers has always been present in the digital landscape as they have been selling their books online since 2009 but they lacked a proper website focused towards their authors. This publisher has to deal with a lot of manuscripts along with a lot of prospective authors. That is why you can understand why they needed a permanent destination for their authors. This led them to us as they were on the lookout for a reputed web design and development company with an eye for creativity. Thus began the journey of creating a permanent destination for all their authors to come and check out their services and submit their manuscripts.

The Challenge

The challenge was to create a website that was the perfect complement to this reputed publishing company. This website had to showcase not just the books that Orange Publishers published but this website also had to be a destination for authors availing different services. We had to focus on showcasing all the different kinds of services and we also had to make sure this website was simple enough for a creative audience of authors and not web developers.

Thus, the challenge was to create a website that fulfilled multiple roles.

  • A website targeted towards authors seeking various services.
  • A permanent destination for a publishing company’s readers.
  • A website for authors to submit their manuscripts.

The Solution

The solution that we came up with was to add minimalism and comfort to a website which means we aimed towards making the website look cosy and be a safe space for authors and readers. This is reflected in our homepage. With decided to keep the layout as simple as possible with a signature touch of the banner being a bookshelf. This is to cement the idea behind the core purpose of the website.

Concept Design

Final Design

The purpose of this website is not just to be a brochure for a publishing company and its services but it is also a permanent home for the publisher which means showcasing all that is happening at Orange Publishers. This means a dedicated section for events.

While the website contains a lot of other relevant sections, we thought it might be interesting to show you another impressive section of the website that shows the different kinds of services provided by the publishers well as a section for Author Testimonials and also a section for representing the authors.

Concept Design

Final Design


  • Orange Publishers now has a fully functional website that is not only a place to showcase the latest books published by them but is also a home for its authors looking to hire different publishing services. The services are reaching more people thereby improving their business prospects.
  • This website helps them not only improve their digital footprint but also helps the publishers generate meaningful leads that are improving the scale of their online business and author outreach.
  • The website also acts as a permanent destination for the readers of this publisher’s books as this website is a destination for showcasing the latest releases.
  • The website is improving their digital footprint and also improving their topical authority when it comes to publishing services as well as SERPs.
  • The website can now be used for targeted marketing campaigns resulting in more authors publishing their books with Orange Publishers and better business prospects.

Let's talk over some virtual coffee!

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