Creation Of A Pharma Ecommerce App With Medicine Distributor Details Database
- DevOps
- App Development
- Database Development & Management
- API integration
- OAuth 2.0 Integration

While we are under NDA to not disclose the name of this company,we can tell you that this is one of the finest names when it comes to online pharmaceutical E-Commerce companies. They connect medicine manufacturers and distributors with consumers and a simple way to explain how they function would be to compare them with Amazon but for pharmaceutical products. They accommodate.
- Wholesale Distributors
- Medicine Manufacturers
- Pharmacies/Drugstores
- Third-Party Vendors

This reputed pharmaceutical eCommerce company has been in the Pharma industry for more than three decades but they always operated physical stores as well as online eCommerce stores with the help of websites. They never really considered having a dedicated pharma eCommerce app for their clients but they finally decided to change things up with the times and invest in a single eCommerce app that will connect their vast distribution chain with their consumers.
30 +
Years in the industry
100000 +
Pharma Products
450 +
Wholesome Distributors
250000 +

The challenge presented to us was to create a pharmaceutical eCommerce app that could accommodate at least 100,000 listings from medicine manufacturers to wholesale distributors and even pharmacies and third-party vendors with the option for the creation of accounts for sellers and customers. We had to make sure to add additional functionality for medicine alternatives and a smart product filter system along with medicine-specific filters etc.
- Large Listing Repository
- Smart PRODUCT Search
- Customer Account System
- Company Management Dashboard
- Pharma Specific Product Filters

The Solution
The solution that we came up with is a very responsive and user-friendly pharma eCommerce app with customer, seller and company admin login. This app has one of the most diverse pharmaceutical listings with thousands of pharmaceutical products. We ensured the multi-login functionality of the app as company employees can access the app with their credentials and manage eCommerce operations just as sellers can access the app, list their products and access their seller dashboards.
Ecommerce App

User Account Registration

Seller Account Registration

Pharma-specific Filtering

100K+ Product Listing

Subscription Plans

E-commerce Management Portal

Customer, Seller & Admin Logins
This Pharma eCommerce app is able to accommodate three kinds of logins, the first being the customer login as the customer can simply utilise the app as any other eCommerce app but only for pharmaceutical products. The second is the seller login which comes with the seller dashboard and allows the sellers to keep track of sales and list new products. Then comes the admin login which is for company employees to operate and moderate sales and operations of the pharmaceutical e-commerce app.

Smart Search & Filtering
We created an entirely new AI-powered smart search algorithm to accommodate pharma-related product searches with options for image recognition as well as Gen-AI prescription authentication & handwriting recognition. In addition to that, we also created a pharma-specific product listing filter that can accommodate things like the milligrams(mg) of medicine dosage as well as other medicine specifics like dosage type in the form of oral dry, capsules, oral liquids, nasal dosage, age-specific dosage etc.
Online Sales Increase
Customer Feedback Improvement
Company Profits Increase
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