Creation Of CallMate - ThinkToShare's In-houseAI-Powered Call Data Extraction and Predictive Analysis Service


  • Automated AI Data Entry
  • API Integration
  • LLMS
  • RAG Data Extraction
  • Dashboard
  • Built-in SDK
  • Software And API


CallMate by Think To Share IT Solutions Pvt Ltd. is a project and a service in the form of software and API that was an opportunity for us to utilize our extensive AI experiences and prowess to find a solution to an actual problem faced by a lot of our clients in the BPO and customer care services industry. The BPO and customer care industry was plagued by a problem of inefficiency and this project provided us the opportunity to create a solution that has the potential to revolutionize the entire outbound calling and customer outreach industry.


Our repertoire of services is vast and our clienteleis very diverse. This provides us with a unique opportunity to work with multiple consequential players in important industries and a large section of our clients belong to the BPO andCustomer Care Services industry. One of the problems faced by our clients was simply inefficiency in the form of manual data entry riddled with errors and simply time wastage and additional data-entry stress for the outbound calling executives. Simply put, we had to come up with the most revolutionary solution to a problem faced by an entire industry

The Challenge

The challenge was to come up with a robust AI-powered solution in the form of enterprise software and API for BPO and Call Centre companies dealing with millions of clients in order to reduce their inefficiencies when it came to their executives. The primary challenge was to create anAI-powered call data extraction and predictive analysis service that could automatically do customer data extraction while the customer executive was on the call with the customer. This meant we had to come up with a system that would be easy to deploy and at least 90% accurate out-of-the-box with call data extraction and custom ML utilization to improve its accuracy with each use.

The secondary requirement was to utilize this system for customer sentiment analysis as well as predictive analysis for better client targeting and better results for the customer outreach companies. The system we would have to create would be the first in the world to do potential client shortlisting and custom performance reports for the BPO and Call centre industry.

The Objective

  • Automated Call Data Extraction
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Easily Deployable Software & API
  • 90% Accuracy in Data Extraction
  • Potential Client Shortlisting
  • Custom Performance Reports

The Solution

The solution is CallMate, an easily deployable software and/or API that can be configured into existing customer outreach systems and deployed with call data extraction accuracy of 91.2% with ML enabling the accuracy to improve over time. The solution reduces manual data-entry errors, saves the customer executive's time and data-entry hassle and reduces the average calling time for each call, resulting in more calls and better customer outreach.

CallMate Working Process


Call Placement

The call is placed by the customer care executive and the call is picked up by the customer.The continuation of the call sets the AI transcription engine into action as it starts decoding the call into text with an initial accuracy of 91.2%.


Data Transcription

The data extraction and transcription process can take 2 mins approx. The AI transcription engine's heart lies in sentiment analysis and is customizable to factor in local languages, accents and dialects


Dashboard View

The call data can be viewed in the simple and easy-to-use CallMate Dashboard where the customer care executive can view the data within 2 mins of the commencement of the call. No need for manual data entry.


Predictive Analysis

The system is programmed to send out automated and custom market analysis reports for better client shortlisting based on demographic factors. The report accuracy is directly proportional to system usage.

Automated AI Enabled Data Entry

The CallMate Automated AI Call Data Extraction Service enables call centre and BPO executives to forget the troubles of manual data entry as they can now simply concentrate on client communication even better as calls remain their only focus and not data entry. While customer executives assist the customer, our AI/ML system works relentlessly in the background transcribing the calls into highly accurate text transcripts.

Clients Analysis Reports and Shortlisting

Up until now, the customer outreach industry was always a shot in the dark when it came to customer targeting and customer calling. However, our system is not just a speech-to-text API. CallMate does sentiment analysis as well as probability analysis regarding the success of each call and this helps you get an amazing overview of the success rate of each call regarding customer willingness. This data is then compiled and sent out to our clients in the form of regular analysis reports for better client shortlisting.

The Result


Out of the box Accuracy


Average Call-Time Saving


Client Shortlisting Accuracy

Thus, CallMate was born out of a necessity to improve the entire working philosophy of call centres and BPOs in order to reduce their inefficiencies.

CallMate continues to help numerous customer outreach BPOs and Call Centre giants in their day-to-day operations by reducing data entry errors but also reducing the fatigue of their customer executives and drastically improving the number of calls they can take each day.

We have managed to improve the efficiency of multiple BPO and Call Centres along with helping them do more accurate client shortlisting thereby improving their operations and thereby being the reason for an improvement in their business turnovers.

CallMate, where AI meets customer calling.

Let's talk over some virtual coffee!

[email protected]