Today we have a very interesting blog for you because if you are interested in technology and if you are a student and looking towards a successful career in IT then this blog is perfect for you.

We also dedicate this blog to anyone who is interested in a certain kind of technology and is willing to learn something that is going to lead the world when it comes to technology.

Yes, you are right, we are going to talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and why this is the best time to get into AI and ML courses.

We are going to showcase the 5 top AI courses globally and we will also help you understand all the benefits of an AI course and how it has the potential to solidify your career in tech.

Additionally, we will also help you understand if you are truly suited for AI education.

So, let us start by understanding the Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry and why it is going to provide the best kind of opportunities for people with a passion for technology.

This Is the Best Time to Get Into AI

The global Artificial Intelligence (AI) market size and industry are expected to reach a whopping $2,575.16 billion by 2032. This makes Artificial Intelligence (AI) one of the fastest-growing industries in the world.

AI Stats


Studies suggest that this growth is not going to stop anytime soon and continue for at least the next few decades and this is going to be very significant for what we are about to discuss now.

In a free market economy, companies only invest in industries that have a stable trajectory of growth and when an industry can secure funding, that industry is the safest bet for anyone trying to build a career.

This makes Artificial Intelligence (AI) one of the best choices when it comes to career decisions because AI is seeing one of the highest numbers of capital investments in the entire technology industry.

AI Stats


Some would even argue that AI is seeing the biggest number of capital investments in the tech sector. What kind of investments? We are talking about investments in the sum of $92 billion in 2022.

If we are seeing this level of investments in an industry then that can only mean one thing, the buildup of future manpower requirements for the industry.

AI Stats


When businesses are expecting the growth of an industry and they are funding that growth, this can only mean one thing, the creation of new jobs and exponential job growth in that industry.

If you create job vacancies for certain job roles in an industry, you are also going to need qualified people to fill those job roles. This is the direct correlation between AI market growth and AI education market growth.

This Is Why You Should Enrol in An AI Course

Excellent Career Choice

Excellent Career Choice

One of the most important reasons among the many reasons why you should study Artificial Intelligence (AI) is simply because this is an amazing career choice.

Having a career in AI means you are always going to stay employable no matter the company because every company out there is going to implement AI and some might not do it today but definitely tomorrow.

This career choice ensures some of the best pay in the entire tech industry and there is actually no upper limit to how high your salary can get in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Some experts call Artificial Intelligence (AI) the skill of the century and reputed institutions all over the world are pushing AI courses just for the reason that it is only going to get more competitive and popular.

That is why if you enrol in an AI course now then you are definitely going to be counted as among the pioneers of the course.

Online Learning

Excellent Career Choice

The best part about most of the reputed AI/ML courses is that they are online which means you can be from any part of the world and get access to some of the world’s highest-quality courses.

Since they are online with no requirement of any kind of physical infrastructure in order to teach you Artificial Intelligence (AI), the pricing of the courses can stay very reasonable.

All you need to do is figure out a way to have a good internet connection and make sure you practice what you learn daily and try to create your own models no matter how simple they are.

The key to Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the urge for innovation.

Lateral Versatility

Lateral Versatility

Studying Artificial Intelligence (AI) will give you the ability for a lot of lateral movement in the technology industry.

This means you can be working for a finance company one day and then network with a few people from the manufacturing sector and then work with those people the next day.

The applications of AI are so diverse that you can expect to work at every corner of the industry thereby not only improving your experience level but also making sure your CV looks amazing.

The best thing about Artificial Intelligence (AI) is that you do not even have to network with other AI experts because when you have to work with AI, you can interact with everyone from managers to company CEOs as well.

Future Proof

Future Proof

No other branch of technology is going to ensure the same level of job security as AI because AI is futureproof and the best part about is that this industry is just starting to grow.

In fact, AI is so new that it hasn’t even reached its highest curve of potential, not even close to it. That means you can be a part of a technology so early just as it would feel to develop computers in the seventies.

There is immense scope for Innovation and you can actually be an industry leader by the time AI matures enough to get into every aspect of human life.

That is going to take at least a few decades and guess what if you start education right now, you can be a senior AI engineer by then.

Societal Benefit

And even if you are not interested in career growth or the best pay check and you just want to create a positive impact in society then again AI can be your best friend.

You can utilise AI for global waste management and global environment protection. You can improve the efficiency of every kind of operation thereby reducing the carbon footprint.

You can utilise AI for the best kind of food security management thereby making sure no one goes hungry.

You can also solve things like improving the entire planning of cities as well as improving the justice system as well as improving the safety and security of data.

Societal Benefit


 AI can be extremely effective if you decide to use it for predicting disasters.

Societal Benefit


General Eligibility Criteria of AI and Machine Learning Courses

For Beginners Courses

For Beginners Courses

  • A bachelor’s degree in computer science
  • A bachelor’s degree in IT
  • A bachelor’s degree in statistics
  • A bachelor’s degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)

For Advanced Courses

Advanced Courses

Advanced courses might have several requirements but having a bachelor’s degree in computer science is very helpful.

In addition to that, undertaking advanced courses can get quite easy if you have a good knowledge of programming as well as strong analytical skills.

In addition to that it is also important that you have a strong mathematical knowledge about the usage of probability as well as algebra and statistics. In addition to that, you must also know calculus and matrix. The more mathematical concepts you know, the better it is going to be for you.

Additionally, advanced AI courses can be smooth sailing for the student if they understand complex algorithms and have experience in working with algorithms as well as a good understanding of statistics and modelling.

For Expert-level Team Leader Courses

Expert-level Team Leader Courses

These are usually specialised courses with very few seats for scholars to enrol and the kind of requirement needed to apply for these kinds of courses includes all the criteria of the beginner and advanced courses.

However, the unique requirement has to do with work experience because some institutions ask for practical AI work experience of a few years in order for the student to enrol for the most advanced expert-level courses.

Here Are the Top 5 AI/ ML Courses to Enrol for AI Education

Artificial Intelligence A-Z 2024: Build 7 AI + LLM & ChatGPT by Udemy

Artificial Intelligence

The first course we are going to talk about is this amazing Artificial Intelligence(AI) A to Z Course by Udemy that will help you understand everything about Data Science and Machine Learning(ML) as well as Deep Learning.

This course will help you with everything from building AI models to Q-Learning, Deep Q-Learning and Deep Convolutional Q-Learning.

This course will also help you with PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) and SAC (Soft Actor-Critic) as well as LLMs and much more.

Along with that, this course will help you understand Tokenization and Padding as well as A3C.

The entire course consists of about 15.5 hours of on-demand video and 19 articles as well as 12 downloadable resources.

While there are courses out there that can match the level of offerings of this course, this is one of the most affordable courses out there that will help you get a very good understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

Master of Science in Machine Learning & AI by Liverpool John Moores University

Master of Science in Machine Learning & AI

The second course we present you by Liverpool John Moores University is a more advanced course because the corresponding degree to this kind of course would be that of a master’s degree.

You are going to need 18 months to complete this course and this is a very detailed course consisting of 750 + hours of learning as well as 15+ industry projects.

While this is not a course for beginners, if you are a Data Scientist or a Senior Data Analyst then this course is perfect for you because it deals with Advanced Statistical Implementations and Machine Learning Models.

This course is also quite well suited for Big Data Engineers and Software Developers as well as Statisticians.

Upon finishing the course, you can expect to pick up skills in advanced concepts like Graphical Models and NLP as well as Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning. You can also expect a solid foundation in statistics.

Post Graduate Programme in Machine Learning & AI (Executive) by International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore

Post Graduate Programme in Machine Learning & AI

The third important AI course we are going to talk about is the Post Graduate Programme in Machine Learning & AI (Executive) by the International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore.

This is a course presented by upGrad and is ideally suited for Data Scientists or Senior Data Analysts as well as Statisticians and Data Engineers.

Upon enrolling, this course will allow you to learn skills like Deep Learning, NLP, Generative AI and get access to GenAI tools while also working on 15+ industry projects.

This course consists of 600 + hours of learning where you will be able to attend live sessions from 4 of the finest AI instructors and 6 of the best AI experts in the industry.

You can definitely choose this course if you are looking for an advanced AI course.

Artificial Intelligence Complete Course by Edureka

Artificial Intelligence Complete Course by Edureka

The fourth course on our list of the top 5 AI/ML courses is the newly launched Artificial Intelligence Complete Course By Edureka.

This is a very detailed four-month-long course that is designed by industry experts after a lot of research and planning.

This course is not just excellent for anyone trying to understand how to utilise AI or create AI models but this course goes much beyond that.

This is because this course talks about everything from the history of AI to the fundamentals of AI as well as classifications of Regression algorithms etc.

The unique thing about this program is that it also goes into detail about AI ethics and bias and this is someone lacking in other courses.

This course covers everything from Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to Regional CNN and much more.

Executive Post Graduate Program in Data Science & Machine Learning by University of Maryland

Executive Post Graduate Program in Data Science & Machine Learning

And finally, the fifth course on our list is the Executive Post Graduate Program in Data Science & Machine Learning by the University of Maryland.

This is the most advanced AI education course in this list because this course is comparable to a postgraduate program and the duration of this course is a lengthy 13 months.

This is one of the most detailed AI and Machine Learning (ML) as well as Data Science courses out there with 20 + case studies as well as 100 + hours of learning and 20 + expert sessions.

This course will help you with a good understanding of the formulation of data and Machine Learning (ML) problems and it will also help you with actual algorithms and much more.

If you are a working professional then this is the perfect AI course for you but if you are a beginner then you do not need to get this course because of the level of complexity associated with it.

We hope this blog gives you a better idea about all the different kinds of AI/ML courses out there and how they can be very beneficial for your AI education.

And if you are someone who is fascinated by the idea of AI and how it can revolutionize your business operations and you want to implement AI into your business then we are here for you.

We are Think To Share IT solutions and we are renowned for our custom AI solutions and we will help custom create and integrate AI/ML and Big Data into the operational landscape of your business.

We welcome you to visit our website and check out everything we do.