Moving into 2024, there has been a shift in digital marketing. Brand new trends have entered the marketplace and to stay relevant, your business has to pay attention.

The world of digital marketing offers fabulous opportunities in the form of advanced technologies to businesses looking to gain more visibility and user engagement.

Do you want to establish a dominant brand presence? Take a look below at the raging online marketing trends 2024 that you can implement to make your digital strategy more meaningful and measurable.

AR Integrated with Social Media

AR Integrated with Social Media

Mobile devices are becoming powerful than ever before and social apps are putting consumer engagement in hyperdrive through the integration of AR.

AR or Augmented Reality is creating a brand new market on social media by blurring the lines between reality and an imagined world. Pokémon Go pioneered the idea of AR in 2016 and successfully broke App Store’s download record by a landslide, proving that users are ready to welcome Augmented Reality.

Following the success of this game, social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat also announced their plans to integrate this tech.

Facebook has already started rolling out Facebook Camera, which aims to change the users’ world into an AR paint canvas. Snapchat has recently rolled out Snappables, which is a string of brand new lenses that helps users in sharing and also playing AR games with their friends anytime, anywhere. As for Instagram, the platform has added AR-based face filters to keep its users hooked.

Integration of AR through social media is being hailed as one of the top marketing trends 2024. So, come out of the rut of traditional social media marketing and step up their game. Integrate AR advertising with your existing social media networks and take customer interaction and user experience to several notches higher.

In-depth Comprehension of Customer Journey

In-depth Comprehension of Customer Journey

Data-driven marketing is a potent tool to most of the SEO companies. However, how the data translates to the journey of your customer is paramount to the success of digital marketing strategy 2024. Pool in your resources to find out how you can use the data to know where your consumers have been on every step of the purchasing process. Make an effort to learn what your consumers really want and accordingly design your digital marketing strategy. Ensure that you touch and appeal your consumers throughout their journey.

Want to know how you can design a consumer journey map? Read here.

The Rise of Influencer Marketing

The Rise of Influencer Marketing

For the past few years, the term ‘influencer marketing’ has been tossed around a lot during meetings. Their unprecedented popularity has compelled varied types of brand to take notice.

A survey in 2017 revealed that approximately 84% of marketers planned to execute at least one influencer marketing campaign.

In general, web users prefer content that feels more natural and not staged. They tend to believe peer reviews more than traditional advertising. Owing to this shift in consumer attitude, influencer marketing occupies a critical position among trends in advertising industry. To know in detail how influencer marketing is affecting the industry and why you should consider implementing this tactic, click here.

A number of organizations today are collaborating with influencers in order to gain an authentic voice that resonates with their targeted market and cuts through the noise. Are you on board, yet?

The Epoch-making Growth of Mobile

The Epoch-making Growth of Mobile

5 billion people in the world now use mobile devices. This means that out of 7.5 billion residents, 5.035 billion of them are using smartphones, tablets and other types of mobile devices.

Do you need more proof of the prominent position that mobiles acquire today?

Mobile marketing is not at all a new concept and the strategy behind it has actually been evolving and transforming dramatically over the past few years. However, previously, a digital marketing company had an option of integrating mobile strategy into their digital marketing tactic, but not anymore.

Since mobile marketing is one of the top digital marketing trends to watch in 2024, if your brand is not on mobile, you are missing out the chance of connecting with 5 billion active users who are probably searching for your business on their devices! Do you really want to take that chance?

If you’re still not convinced, maybe this will – Google’s mobile-first index.

The search giant has officially rolled out its mobile-first index. This means that unresponsive website designs will not be given preference when it comes to determining rankings. Google has made changes to its algorithm and ranking factors to give more importance to mobile-friendly websites. However, this does not mean that desktop searches are dead. So, make sure to have a responsive website design that works seamlessly across desktop, as well as, mobile devices.

The Increase of Live Streaming and Video

The Rise of Influencer Marketing

Want to deliver your brand message? Do it through videos!

Studies and research have proved time and again that the human brain is able to understand and enjoy videos more than images and texts. So, video is becoming increasingly accepted by audience and it is a great way for brands to connect and interact.

In fact, live streaming is one of the hottest trends in social media marketing thanks to Facebook Live, Instagram Stories and so on. Even Google has allowed them to be on SERPs.

If you need more reasons to adopt video marketing, consider this:

  1. Social video generates 1200% more shares than images and text combined
  2. 59% of marketers agree that if both video and text are available on the same topic, users are more likely to choose video.

Want more such staggering stats on video marketing? Click here.

AI effectively transforming digital marketing


Artificial Intelligence is surely reshaping digital marketing and its powerful implementation can save a lot of time and manpower in near future.

AI uses your searching preferences, for example, when you search something on Google, the search engine can evaluate your preferences. In short, they analyses your behavior based upon your internet searches.

Consumers don’t like seeing irreverent content. If they get to see advertisements of products that they don’t need or will never purchase then what’s the point of running that advertisement?

This is where AI makes a change. They analysis of the customers’ searching preferences do wonders for any brand. Customer’s algorithms are created which automatically suggests the most relevant audience to display ads mostly accurate.

Chatbots to enhance customer services 


Chatbots to enhance customer services 

Chatbots are new extensions, which are used in communicating with a lot of people commonly websites or in social media for queries and communications on a formal level mainly. Powered by Artificial Technology, Chatbots take customer services to the whole new level.  The most useful feature of chatbots is that it can be available to business of any size, which gives small businesses an opportunity to compete with other big brands.

This bot-driven social media system is the future for all marketing needs in digital platforms. Research indicates that more than one third of consumers already prefer social media as compared to telephone use for customer support services whereas many of them expect real-time responses.

Voice Searches impact on digital marketing

Voice search

Voice search in 2024 is significant and growing. Voice search introduces a whole new way to search. Now the stats from recent times will definitely show us why it’s so important to have this technology in online businesses.

58% of consumers have used voice search to find local business information in the last year.

27% visits the website of a local business after conducting a voice search.

Online Marketers now understand that voice search matters, and they adapting their online business before they get passed by.

What do you think about digital marketing 2024? What steps have you taken to stay relevant? Please feel free to share your suggestions and views in the comments section below.