So, you are a content writer or aspiring to be one? That’s great! Just know that content writing is tough and you need to seriously dedicate yourself to the task.

Today, people want to read content that tells stories, provides solutions, entertains and even creates experiences. So, bloggers, marketers and brands are constantly pounding their head to come up with content that add a lot of value to readers.

As a writer, it is your task to produce engaging, high-quality content that will not just make people read, but also share. This means that your content has to be thoroughly researched, grammatically flawless and easy-to-understand. It must also have the flavor of the brand that you are representing.

Sounds challenging, right?

But, that is only a part of the challenge. The real difficulty lies in having to constantly come up with fresh new ideas. I mean, come on! It’s your brain, not a machine!

Fortunately, there are fabulous content writing tools available in the market to simplify writing. Why don’t you take a look and use it to sharpen the rough edges around your context next time? There’s no harm!

Here, 8 of Best Writing Tools are given below…

1. Cliché Finder


How many times have you used the same word/words over and over again? It happens, especially if you are writing a long content.

Now, you probably do not have to time to review the entire content and make changes. So, let Cliché Finder do it for you.

This tool helps in finding overused and repetitive phrases that simply do not add any value to your content. It analyzes your content, highlights the clichés and exactly tells you the line that requires adjustments.

Amazing, right?

2. GrammarBase


Of course, your grammar is impeccable. You’re a writer!

But, while writing, it may happen that you are thinking something and writing something else. You may overlook mistakes like, ‘is’ and ‘are’ or even ‘they’re’ and ‘their’.

Such mistakes can be deadly!

Why take the chance? Use GrammarBase. Simply copy-paste your write-up and this tool will give you suggestions to improve your content.

If you opt for the premium version of this tool, you can even gain access to manual proofreading.

3. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

It is a known fact that in the online world, people click to read a content only if the headline is seriously smashing.

Coming up with killer headlines every single day is a task, wouldn’t you agree?

So, the next time you get stuck, simply use CoSchedule Headline Analyzer. This tool will help you in writing catchy and powerful headlines.

What’s more?

It analyzes headlines on their word balance, type, character length and even the use of power and emotional words.

So, you can have a fully optimized headline for driving more shares and of course, traffic!

4. Grammarly


Grammarly is another excellent tool that you can use to submit error-free content.

This popular tool not only checks grammar, but punctuation and spelling mistakes. It also points out places where you have accidentally put an extra space.

No, that’s not all.

This tool gives insight about the reading time, vocabulary and the readability score of the content.

If you opt for the premium version, the tool will check your content for additional writing issues like, missing prepositions, word choice and wordy sentences. Even human proofreading and plagiarism checker options can be accessed.

5. HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator

HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator

Bid adieu to writer’s block with this amazing tool.

The next time that you feel under a lot of pressure or feel unable to come up with fresh, new topics, find ideas to inspire you by using this HubSpot tool.

You can find topics relevant to your niche by typing three nouns. The tool will give you 5 great blog topics. The ideas that the tool suggests are generally quite good to get started. And it will definitely give you the inspiration that you are lacking!

6. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor

Want to refine your writing skills? Trust the Hemingway App!

For all those who want to improve their writing skills, this tool is a must-have. This app highlights complex, lengthy and difficult-to-understand sentences, and asks you to shorten them.

Moreover, it offers suggestions to replace hard phrases and words with simpler alternatives. The tool even helps in omitting unnecessary adverbs. And the use of passive voice is highlighted, as well.

Ernest Hemingway is surely looking over you through this app!

7. Ilys


Yes, Ilys can appear a little weird, but it is one of the very best writing tools that you can use.

So, what does this tool do?

It will restrict the editor in you and only help you focus on the creative part of your content. The tool has a minimal interface and it will ask you regarding the number of words that you want to write.

With Ilys, all you can do is write. You cannot go back or edit. In fact, you cannot see what you have typed until you have reached your word count goal.

Definitely weird, right?

But, once you finish writing, you can edit your content in any way that you want.

Wondering what good it does to you then?

By keeping the writing and editing part separate, it actually helps you in enhancing the quality of your content and also writing faster.

8. Power Thesaurus

Power Thesaurus

How many times has it happened that you want to say something, but the right word is nowhere to be found?

Power Thesaurus is a powerful tool that can help you in such situations.

When you look up a word in this tool, it not only provides you with the meaning of the word, but a lot of added information like, its antonyms and synonyms. It even gives meanings with appropriate examples so that constructing a sentence is simple.

Furthermore, you can select if you are looking for a noun, verb or idiom.

Give it a try!

Of course, a number of tools are missing from this list. But, the above-mentioned tools are some of the most widely used.

What writing tools do you use? How does it benefit you? Please mention your thoughts and recommendations in the comments section below.