Yes, you read that right. The frequency at which consumers are frequenting salons have gone up to a whopping 2.5 to 3 times a month. Do you know that we are slowly inching towards the global average of 4 times a month? You can thank the rise of disposable income for this trend! Over the last 5 years, the amount consumers spend on personal grooming has nearly doubled. And what better time to invest in beauty parlour business than Durga Puja?

So, what are your beauty salon and spa marketing plan & strategies to attract the crowd? Does your prospective customers even know that you exist? You must have seen the craze that people have for Head Turners, Anjohn, Eye Catchers and such other big brands. But, do you know that you can create the same craze around your brand by using right salon and spa promotion ideas?

All you need is brand presence. To create a real buzz. To be the talk-of-the-town. How can you do that? Advertise online!

Yes, the Internet is great for you to make your salon and spa business grow and with Durga Puja coming up, there can be no better opportunity than this to cash in on the opportunity.

Let me tell you the ingredients you need to make your salon or spa go viral…

Create a Website for your Spa & Salon Business

You must be asking yourself how can I promote my salon and spa business?, right? What better way than to get a professional to design and create your website to improve your beauty salon and spa business? After all, more than half the population today uses Google and other search engines to find all the information they need. As a matter of fact, I highly rely on Google to tell me where to eat, how long a place is open, etc. A website will allow you to enter the homes of your potential customers and entice them to come to you!

Tip: Design and develop a responsive website in Kolkata  for salon and spa digital marketing because desktop is really old-school.

SEO…b’cause it’s all about being on the top!

So, let’s assume that you have a great-looking website and an awesome social media presence. But, are you featuring on top of the search engine results page? When consumers are looking for ‘hair cut’, ‘hair color’, ‘spa services’, ‘massages’, etc., is your website on the top? Well, SEO experts can change that for you. SEO is a must inclusion in your salon and spa marketing strategies to grow your business successfully. You will be amazed at the number of appointments you will get.

Tip: Start now!

Be Social. Be Active.

Wondering why all your newspaper ads and hoardings are failing to get you customers? Because your customers are all hooked on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and other such social media networking sites. Are you there? No? Then, you better hurry. It is just over a month for all the festivities to begin. You better be present on all the popular social media sites and a part of conversations. These platforms are a great way to connect with your targeted market, talk to them, announce your special offers through Facebook posts and other social media and keep your customers engaged. 

Tip: Make use of great creatives, catchy captions and a good SMO professional!

So now you know how to do promotion and advertising online through social media to make your to beauty, hair spa & salon successful.

So, are you ready to make some money? Well, you need to spend some first! The sooner you implement the tactics mentioned above, the more will your chances increase of being the hot-shot this Puja!

Image Credits: LifeCell Products

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